Are you struggling with Chronic Illness OR an Autoimmune Disease and were told there's nothing you can do about it?

I'm here to tell you

"There is something you can do about it",

and I will show you how!




It all starts with specific healing foods, to promote healing, restore balance, and reduce pain and inflammation.

But it doesn't end with just a diet or a consultation with follow-ups and more supplements that you have to take for the rest of your life.

You will also receive education and training, so you will know why you are sick and what you can do about it. You will have resources and tools that you can use to improve your own health, and you will understand why these things work!! You will receive guidance and support-



 you will learn about the strategies I used to heal my gut, restore my health, and get off my medication!

I will be here to support and guide you so you don't have to do it alone!


Learn More & Take Your Life Back Into Your Own Hands


Are you struggling with Chronic Illness OR an Autoimmune Disease and were told there's nothing you can do about it?

I'm here to tell you

"There is something you can do about it",

and I will show you how!




It all starts with specific healing foods, to promote healing, restore balance, and reduce pain and inflammation.

But it doesn't end with just a diet or a consultation with follow-ups and more supplements that you have to take for the rest of your life.

You will also receive education and training, so you will know why you are sick and what you can do about it. You will have resources and tools that you can use to improve your own health, and you will understand why these things work!! You will receive guidance and support-



 you will learn about the strategies I used to heal my gut, restore my health, and get off my medication!

I will be here to support and guide you so you don't have to do it alone!


Learn More & Take Your Life Back Into Your Own Hands

Save yourself years of frustration and learn from my trials and errors! 


I have created this program for you based on everything I have learned over 18 years of dealing with my own illness.  I have learned from the BEST Natural and Functional Medicine Practitioners, through my studies to become a Naturopathic Practitioner, years of trial and error to find the best recipes, learning from years of my mistakes, and healing myself from my Autoimmune Disease.

Complete Daily Meal Plans

You will have 28 days of STRATEGICALLY PLANNED HEALING delicious healthy snacks and meals that are all truly gluten and dairy-free that even the kids will enjoy! SO WHEN YOU ARE EXHAUSTED, CAN BARELY MAKE IT THROUGH THE DAY, YOU DON'T HAVE TO PLAN ANYTHING OR THINK OF WHAT TO MAKE, which will also make it easier to make healthy choices!

Stretches and Movements

You will have SHORT, GUIDED VIDEOS OF LIGHT daily stretches and movements that you can do from your very own home with just an exercise mat and modify to your abilities!! These movements have been shown to decrease pain and increase your energy. 

Educational Videos

You will have access to educational videos as you navigate throughout the program, to provide you with expert advice FROM SOMEONE WHO HAS ALREADY EXPERIENCED THE SAME THINGS AS YOU and has overcome all of the obstacles you are facing right now, so you can permanently implement these things into your life!

You will also learn what has been preventing you from living the life you deserve to live! 

Affirmations and Meditations

You will be given recorded motivational Daily affirmations and meditations throughout the challenge to help you focus on your daily and weekly goals.

Access to Our Community

You will also have access to our private 28 Day Complete Wellness Challenge Group along with others taking the program for support and motivation so you won’t have to go through this journey alone! You will also have the ability to email us if you have any questions throughout the challenge!

Easy Mobile Access with App

You will have a convenient way to access the program and community throughout the challenge with the Kajabi App. One-click of a button to everything you signed up for including your workouts, menu, and support!!




Making it easier for you to complete the 28-Day Complete Wellness Challenge and get your health back.

Progress Journal 

You will have a journal to help you set goals, track your progress and make sure you take full advantage of the 28-Day Complete Wellness Challenge.

Weekly Menu's 

Completely Gluten-Free recipes, shopping list for the week, and complete daily menus.



Making it easier for you to complete the challenge and get your health back.

Progress Journal 

You will have a journal to help you set goals and track your food 

Weekly Menu's 

Completely Gluten-Free recipes, shopping list for the week, and complete daily menus.

There is no pill or quick fix for Autoimmune Disease!


Over the past several years, I’ve had a lot of people come to me to help them figure out what’s wrong with them and to pick my brain, desperately looking for advice and solutions so that they too can live a happy and normal life again. 

And each time when I started to explain the damage certain foods can do and how they can implement different lifestyle changes, at first they were skeptical.


A lot of people don’t realize The importance of implementing the proper foods into your diet when you are trying to get to the root cause and recover from autoimmune disease or even other serious health conditions. 


Sometimes it can be as simple as removing certain foods from your diet. For some people it sounds ridiculous, it doesn’t make sense to them that something as small as that could make a difference.


I felt that way too at first.


But it’s not actually really that simple when trying to incorporate or figure out what those proper foods are and it’s also not easy to come up with recipes or to make the necessary changes in our lifestyle and habits. 


It’s especially not easy when you’re trying to feed a family and work around your dietary needs, implementing the proper foods and making them in such a way that your family enjoys them too.


Because when you’re already sick and exhausted and in pain and you already struggle to get through the day, it’s challenging to come up with and prepare the proper foods that you need, let alone feed your family.


Why Can I relate to what you are experiencing??


I struggled with these exact things when I was sick and it breaks my heart when people come to me and share their struggles that they are going through. I just wanted to create a structured plan for them too, so I could help them achieve good health again as I did.


Because people saw the change and miracles that happened within me, they had hope and belief in the things that I shared with them.



There is no pill or quick fix!


Over the past few years, I’ve had a lot of people come to me to help them figure out what’s wrong with them and to pick my brain, desperately looking for advice and solutions so that they too can live a happy and normal life again. 

And each time when I started to explain the damage certain foods can do and how they can implement different lifestyle changes, at first they were skeptical.


A lot of people don’t realize The importance of implementing the proper foods into your diet when you are trying to get to the root cause and recover from autoimmune disease or even other serious health conditions. 


Sometimes it can be as simple as removing certain foods from your diet. For some people it sounds ridiculous, it doesn’t make sense to them that something as small as that could make a difference.


I felt that way too at first.


But it’s not actually really that simple when trying to incorporate or figure out what those proper foods are and it’s also not easy to come up with recipes or to make the necessary changes in our lifestyle and habits. 


It’s especially not easy when you’re trying to feed a family and work around your dietary needs, implementing the proper foods and making them in such a way that your family enjoys them too.


Because when you’re already sick and exhausted and in pain and you already struggle to get through the day, it’s challenging to come up with and prepare the proper foods that you need, let alone feed your family.


Why Can I relate to what you are experiencing??


I struggled with these exact things when I was sick and it breaks my heart when people come to me and share their struggles that they are going through. I just wanted to create a structured plan for them too, so I could help them achieve good health again as I did.


Because people saw the change and miracles that happened within me, they had hope and belief in the things that I shared with them.

CLICK HERE to join the program now and take your life back!

My Health Journey

8 years medication-free and healthier than I've ever been.

For those who don't know my story.  I lived with an Autoimmune Disease for over 18 years.  I suffered from brain fog, weight gain, digestive issues, chronic pain, and inflammation, among many other issues, and I too lost all quality of life, including with my kids.  I finally had enough and decided to take my life back and now I spend my time studying and practicing Natural Medicine, enjoying life, doing the things I love, and living a healthier lifestyle which includes growing our own food, raising our own animals, and sharing what I've learned with you on my journey. 

Now it's your turn to take your life back too!!

If you would benefit from a healthy gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free menu done for you and are ready to take the beginning steps to discovery, recovery, and getting to the root cause of your illness and you don't want to do it alone, join the program I created for you!!

Learn more now!

What would your life be like?

If you are determined to get to the root cause instead of taking endless amounts of supplements and medications that clearly aren't fixing the problem, and searching to find a natural way to heal so you can live your life again the way you want, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!! 

Let me help you take your life back!

My Health Journey

Three years medication-free and healthier than I've ever been.


For those who don't know my story.  I lived with an Autoimmune Disease for over 18 years.  I suffered from brain fog, weight gain, digestive issues, chronic pain, and inflammation, among many other issues, and I too lost all quality of life, including with my kids.  I finally had enough and decided to take my life bach and now I spend my time studying and practicing Natural Medicine, enjoying life, doing the things I love, and living a healthier lifestyle which includes growing our own food, raising our own animals, and sharing what I've learned with you on my journey.


CLICK HERE to join the program now and take your life back!

      What will you get... 


                        - 28 Day Gluten-Free Menu              - Daily Light Movement Exercise
                        - Daily Affirmations/Mediations       - Easy Access Through App
                        - Weekly Educational Video's           - Daily Food Journal
                        - Daily Program Tracker                  - Easy Access to community group support                                                                                     and our customer support email.
                                 - Plus additional added bonus' along the way


These are the methods I used to end OVER 18 YEARS of pain and suffering and GOT OFF ALL MY MEDICATIONS!


Special for December only for the First 5 people, you will also get one bonus 1-on-1, 30-minute appointment

Click here to take control of your health and get bonus appointment

These are the methods I used to end my OVER 18 YEARS of pain and suffering and GOT OFF ALL MY MEDICATIONS!


What will you get...

- 28 Day Gluten-Free Menu
- Daily Food Journal
- Daily Program Tracker
- Daily Affirmations/Meditations
- Daily Light Movement Exercises
- Access To Workouts and Meditations through the app
- Weekly Educational Video's
- Access to community group support 
 - Plus additional added bonus along the way


Special for November only for the First 5 people, you will also get one bonus 1-on-1, 30-minute appointment



Register NOW!

Sign Up For the October Program

A Different Approach to Autoimmune Disease...

 From my experience, there are 7 main things to incorporate into your life daily to be successful in achieving good health, when suffering from an autoimmune disease or other underlying conditions, which I have based my program on.


They are:

  • A specific diet and lifestyle 

  • Daily Meditation and motivation 

  • Specific Movements

  • Education

  • Community & most important, Support 


The 28-Day Complete Wellness Program has all of that and

  • you will also be getting a daily tracking journal to keep track of your progress, record your water intake, reactions to food, daily thoughts, goals, and your why

  • You’ll learn which foods to implement and avoid

  • full grocery list each week

  • 28 days of healthy gluten-free meals and snacks

  • education on autoimmune disease so you can get to the root cause of your illness.

  • And so much more!


    *If you don't get to the root of your illness, you will continue to be sick!! 


    There is no quick pill or fix for autoimmune disease.

I have created this program so you can take your life back into your own hands as I did!!


Register NOW!

CLICK HERE to join the program now and take your life back!

Why this program is different...


Have you ever tried going gluten-free or modifying your diet with no improvement or very little relief and you’re still struggling with your health?


That’s what happened to me, so in case you’re wondering how this program is any different than all of the other gluten-free diets and recipe plans out there.


This is not your typical gluten-free diet…


In your typical gluten-free diet, your goal is to avoid particular grains such as wheat, barley, rye, and sometimes even oats and other ingredients or products that contain gluten.


This will give you some relief, but you will continue to be sick and continue to develop more autoimmune diseases. You are told that this is normal when you have an autoimmune disease.


But in actual fact, there is gluten in all grains, even rice, and quinoa. And people that carry certain genetics that have a sensitivity to gluten, will eventually develop an autoimmune disease over time with continuous exposure. 


Once this happens, if you continue eating it, even a small bite or even contamination from a counter or microwave, much like in a severe nut allergy or Celiac Disease, you will continue to be sick.


There is no pill or quick fix for autoimmune disease!


Over the past few years, I’ve had a lot of people come to me to help them figure out what’s wrong with them and to pick my brain, desperately looking for advice and solutions so that they too can live a happy and normal life again. 

And each time when I started to explain the damage certain foods can do and how they can implement different lifestyle changes, at first they were skeptical.


A lot of people don’t realize The importance of implementing the proper foods into your diet when you are trying to get to the root cause and recover from autoimmune disease or even other serious health conditions. 


Sometimes it can be as simple as removing certain foods from your diet. For some people it sounds ridiculous, it doesn’t make sense to them that something as small as that could make a difference.


I felt that way too at first.


But it’s not actually really that simple when trying to incorporate or figure out what those proper foods are and it’s also not easy to come up with recipes or to make the necessary changes in our lifestyle and habits. 


It’s especially not easy when you’re trying to feed a family and work around your dietary needs, implementing the proper foods and making them in such a way that your family enjoys them too.


Because when you’re already sick and exhausted and in pain and you already struggle to get through the day, it’s challenging to come up with and prepare the proper foods that you need, let alone feed your family.


I struggled with these exact things too when I was sick. And it breaks my heart when people come to me and share their struggles that they are going through. I just wanted to create a structured plan for them too, so I could help them achieve good health again as I did.


Because people saw the change and miracles that happened within me, they had hope and belief in the things that I shared with them.


For those who don't know my story, I lived with an Autoimmune Disease for over 18 years.  I suffered from brain fog, weight gain, digestive issues, chronic pain, and inflammation, among many other issues and I too lost all quality of life, including with my kids. I finally had enough and decided to take my life back and now I spend my time studying and practicing Natural Medicine, enjoying life, doing the things I love, and living a healthier lifestyle which includes growing our own food, raising our own animals, and sharing what I've learned with you on my journey. 

The 28 -Day Complete Wellness Challenge is a starting point. There is no easy fix for autoimmune disease, and this program for some, will not be A complete fix for them. But it’s a really important starting point that you can’t skip or find another way around.


From my experience, there are 6 main things to incorporate into your life daily to be successful in achieving good health, when suffering from an autoimmune disease or other underlying conditions, which I have based my program on.


They are:

  • A specific diet and lifestyle 

  • Daily Meditation and motivation 

  • Exercise and Movement 

  • Education

  • Community & most important, Support 


The 28-Day Complete Wellness Program has all of that and

  • you will also be getting a daily tracking journal to keep track of your progress, record your water intake, reactions to food, daily thoughts, goals, and your why

  • You’ll learn which foods to implement and avoid

  • full grocery list each week

  • 28 days of healthy gluten-free meals and snacks

  • education on autoimmune disease

  • And so much more!


    There is no quick pill or fix for autoimmune disease.

I have created this program so you can take your life back into your own hands as I did!!


Register NOW!

CLICK HERE to join the program now and take your life back!

What Other People Are Saying...


"I felt like I was lost. I was overweight, in pain, not sleeping and my mental health was going downhill fast.  Tracey Robar gave me hope. She gave me strength. She insisted options were available for me. She encouraged me to take my health into my own hands. With diet changes and determination, I am happy to say my Crohn's disease is in remission.  I have lost 50 lbs. I am sleeping better and my pain is minimal. I am on my way to living a better life."


"The services Tracey provide were incredible and the patient education was like nothing I ever experienced before. Tracey helped to guide me to a healthier place in my life, and for that, I thank her. She comes highly recommended in my books!"


Tracey Robar's personal touch. 

"Tracey has provided me with exceptional advice on my health. Her own experience with her journey has given me motivation and knowledge to follow good eating habits which have not only lowered my cholesterol but helped me with stomach issues I have had for years."


"I spent some time with her this summer on her personal organic farm in Alberta. She cooked and baked some amazing food while I was there. Her recipes are gluten free, out of this world and completely from scratch!!! This recipe book is a must-have. I had a sneak peek at some of her recipes that my family has already been enjoying. Starting my new year off with some home-cooked meals".

Meet Your Wellness Coach

 The Founder of New Beginnings Health and Wellness, Author of "From My Kitchen" Gluten-Free Cookbook, Holistic Natural Health Practitioner and Health Coach, AND- a proud mother of four beautiful children who have always been her main motivation for good health!

Tracey Robar


I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease back in the year 2000 and I was told that I would have to take steroids for the rest of my life. I suffered from many chronic and painful symptoms for many years and almost died numerous times from my condition. I lost all quality of life and my condition was getting worse.

Finally fed up with living this way for 18 yrs, I started doing my own research, started educating myself and I discovered that the problems I really had, were much different than what the doctors were treating me for and I was able to do the things I needed to heal and get off all of my medications and I took my life back.

And now I can live my life the way I want to and do the things I was told I would never be able to do again- like lose weight, exercise, hiking, gardening, enjoying food, spending quality time with my family without being sick -and loving myself and life again.

And now it’s my turn to give back. To be the educator, to give you support, and to share my knowledge and experience with you so that you can take your life back too.

      What will you get... 


                        - 28 Day Gluten-Free Menu              - Daily Light Movement Exercise
                        - Daily Affirmations/Mediations       - Easy Access Through App
                        - Weekly Educational Videos           - Daily Food Journal
                        - Daily Program Tracker                  - Easy Access to community group support                                                                                     and our customer support email.
                                 - Plus additional added bonus along the way


These are the methods I used to end OVER 18 YEARS of pain and suffering and GOT OFF ALL MY MEDICATIONS!


Special for December only for the First 5 people, you will also get one bonus 1-on-1, 30-minute appointment 


Click here to take control of your health and get bonus appointment

These are the methods I used to end my OVER 18 YEARS of pain and suffering and GOT OFF ALL MY MEDICATIONS!


What will you get...

- 28 Day Gluten-Free Menu
- Daily Food Journal
- Daily Program Tracker
- Daily Affirmations/Meditations
- Daily Light Movement Exercises
- Access To Workouts and Meditations through the app
- Weekly Educational Video's
- Access to community group support 
 - Plus additional added bonus along the way

Special for November only for the First 5 people, you will also get one bonus 1-on-1 30-minute appointment


Register NOW!

Sign Up For the November Program

What Other People Are Saying...


"I felt like I was lost. I was overweight, in pain, not sleeping and my mental health was going downhill fast.  Tracey Robar gave me hope. She gave me strength. She insisted options were available for me. She encouraged me to take my health into my own hands. With diet changes and determination, I am happy to say my Crohn's disease is in remission.  I have lost 50 lbs. I am sleeping better and my pain is minimal. I am on my way to living a better life."


"The services Tracey provide were incredible and the patient education was like nothing I ever experienced before. Tracey helped to guide me to a healthier place in my life, and for that, I thank her. She comes highly recommended in my books!"


"Her recipes are Gluten-Free, out of this world, and completely from scratch."



Tracey Robar's personal touch. 

"Tracey has provided me with exceptional advice on my health. Her own experience with her journey has given me motivation and knowledge to follow good eating habits which have not only lowered my cholesterol but helped me with stomach issues I have had for years."

Frequently Asked Questions

We are here to help.

Please contact us with any questions or if you would like more information.

contact us